

While pursuing the material and spiritual happiness of all colleagues, we will promote blockchain and digital assets into the lives of hundreds of millions of users around the world.


Make the world more transparent and better through blockchain and digital assets.

About digital assets

数字货币是一种使用密码学原理来确保交易安全的交易媒介。与美元等法币不同,数字货币并没有实体形式。BITCOIN (BTC)、ETHEREUM (ETH) 和 POLKADOT (DOT) 等热门数字货币以区块链作为底层技术,充当去中心化的数字分类账。

所有数字货币交易都记录在区块链中,一经确认和验证就无法更改。与传统货币由银行维护中心化分类账不同,数字货币交易在公共区块链上进行,任何人都可以访问。 此外,根据共识机制,人人都可以验证数字货币交易并将其添加到区块链,从而实现去中心化。

随着三星、贝莱德、摩根士丹利和 ALPHABET 等全球领先公司纷纷入局投资,人们相信区块链技术将彻底改变全球金融体系。


现在,您可以通过 APPLE PAY、VISA、MASTERCARD、MOONPAY 和银行转账等支付方式购买各种热门数字货币,如 TETHER (USDT)、POLYGON (MATIC) 和狗狗币 (DOGE) 等。您还可以通过 BITLO闪兑 兑换现有数字资产,无任何交易手续费,亦没有价格滑点;或者在BITLO C2C 交易市场上直接从其他卖家处购买数字货币。

From a global perspective, there are currently five main views on Bitcoin in the mainstream industry, and a consensus is gradually forming.

First, Bitcoin is a virtual commodity and has certain investment attributes;

Second, Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer payment method and may challenge Visa’s monopoly in the future;

Third, as an underlying blockchain, the Bitcoin blockchain provides consensus solutions for other public blockchains. Bitcoin itself is the handling fee for using this underlying blockchain. The Bitcoin blockchain may become a Infrastructure for other blockchain applications;

Fourth, Bitcoin is a virtual currency on the Internet, which has certain currency attributes and certain payment attributes in specific Internet communities;

Fifth, Bitcoin is a reserve asset similar to gold. Because of its characteristics such as standardization, divisibility, and online transmission, it has huge advantages in payment efficiency, storage costs, etc., and may become "digital gold" in the future, and It is a global asset that may replace gold in the era of value Internet.

Most countries currently do not recognize Bitcoin as currency, but define it as a virtual commodity. However, many countries have formulated corresponding policy regulations or supported its development, and have gradually become more positive from neutrality. The United States has incorporated Bitcoin into the traditional financial regulatory system and requires Bitcoin-related companies to apply for an MTL (money transmission license). The New York State government has also launched a special BitLicense to supervise Bitcoin; many European countries have always adopted a relatively positive attitude towards Bitcoin. Some countries have included Bitcoin companies in sandbox supervision, and some countries have emphasized that Bitcoin’s economic activities need to be taxed according to regulations; Japan’s FSA officially recognizes the currency status of Bitcoin and digital currencies, and stipulates that digital currency exchanges must register with the FSA; Russia has After launching a Bitcoin ban, Russia has liberalized Bitcoin transactions after many countries introduced corresponding policies; Raghuram Rajan, Governor of the Central Bank of India, believes that before understanding Bitcoin more deeply, there should be no strong intervention, but in-depth research.